Carers and COVID-19 vaccination

If you are an adult in receipt of Carer’s Allowance (a ‘paid’ carer) then you are now able to book a COVID-19 vaccination online via the national booking service (NBS): – Book or manage your coronavirus vaccination.

You can make a booking via the NBS or 119 in advance of receiving your letter of invitation from the NHS. Details of those in receipt of Carer’s Allowance have been passed from the DWP to the Department of Health, so you will not need to provide any evidence of eligibility (as you are already identified as eligible – and you will be able to book with your personal details or NHS number). You will receive that letter of invitation from the NHS shortly.

Carers under 18 will not be able to book using the National Booking Service (as such individuals can currently only receive the Pfizer vaccine).

If you are not currently in receipt of Carer’s Allowance, i.e. you are an unpaid/informal carer then you cannot directly book your vaccination at present.

Please do not contact the GP surgery to enquire about this – we are still awaiting formal guidance on unpaid/informal carers and eligibility for prioritised (group 6) vaccination from the Department of Health. As and when we know who is eligible in this way we will contact individuals directly.